Mary Paik Lee

Tim Tseng joins host Karen Wright Marsh to tell the little-known story of Mary Paik Lee – an Asian American Christian who challenges our thinking about race, faith, and America.

Mary Paik Lee, born to a Christian family in Korea, grew up in California at a time when Asians labored under race-based exclusionary laws and daily persecution -- often at the hands of white brothers and sisters in Christ.  How does Mary understand God’s purposes in the midst of suffering? Asian-American pastor and scholar Tim Tseng helps us understand Lee’s experiences and insights.

Guest Dr. Tim Tseng is all about helping Jesus followers flourish wherever faith and life intersect. He is currently the Pacific Area Director for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s Graduate and Faculty Ministries (GFM). His ministries have included being a seminary professor, scholar, founder of a non-profit organization, and pastor. Tim’s heart aches for a generation of students and leaders who will awaken the world to God’s redemptive love.

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Karen Recommends:

Mary Paik Lee’s autobiography, A Quiet Odyssey: A Pioneer Woman in America

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