Who's a Sinner? Who's a Saint? Who Decides?

Religion writer and editor Katelyn Beaty joins host Karen Wright Marsh to puzzle over the question, “Who’s a saint, anyway?”

The label “saint” conjures up images of bloody martyrs, serene mystics, and selfless heroes—overachievers whose sanctity is out of reach for common strugglers.  Katelyn Beaty and Karen Wright Marsh take a fresh look at the old divide between sinner and saint. Together they explore new ways to live a spiritual life, a life that just may promise sanctity for the likes of you and me.

Guest Katelyn Beaty is author of A Woman’s Place: A Christian Vision for Your Calling in the Office, the Home, and the World  and has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Religion News Service, She is an acquisitions editor for Brazos Press and has served as an editor at Christianity Today magazine. Find out more at www.katelynbeaty.com.

For further exploration: 

Listen to Karen’s conversation with Susie Davis on her Dear Daughters podcast:


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